Who you network with will determine what ends up in your net
Nothing works outside networking (connectivity)
Where there is networking, there is net catching
Your click will give birth to your catch
If you sit with them they will settle you whether positively
or negatively
Who you hang out with will determine what hang with you
If you hang around people that are going no were you are
going no were
Don’t let your association define your destination rather let
your destination define your association
No association leaves you the same person. It will either
leave you better or bitter.
Your speed in life is traced to who you spend time with
Stop expecting good result from wrong company
If you are not of the same feather don’t flock together (having
like mind)
Who you meet with determine what meets you
Fire will either refine you or consume you. So any
association will either refine or consume your destiny
Men of focus will help you to stay on course
Men of vision is better than men with television
If you want to fly high, identify with high fliers.
If you don’t plan for tomorrow, you will never have one.
If you associate with givers you will end up a great man